Monday, April 17, 2006

Something to think about the day after Easter

I try not to talk too much about my faith and beliefs in this blog. I tend to cringe when people wear their faith on their sleeves, 'cause you never know what is going on inside. But I’ve occasionally confessed here to being a follower of Jesus. However, I also confess that if I’m buying a car (or a pack of gum) and the sales person starts talking religion, I tend to hold on to my wallet and run. That’s why I like what Karlanee, Scribe’s sidekick over at Independent Christian Voice, said this morning in her post "Christians Make the Worst Customers." Here is a committed Christian critical of how Christians treat each other (Christians and non-Christians). She gives something for us all, regardless of our beliefs, to chew on. Check it out. Here is an excerpt:

Christians are continually complaining about the world, about how we need a change in the hearts of America. Maybe the change needs to begin in the "Church" first. What if Christians started truly living out Christ’s message and using His Love as an action verb and a command, rather than a noun that describes a blessing only for His children? What if we began truly allowing Jesus to be our Lord, and we began loving Him with all our hearts? How many people’s lives would be changed if, as His disciples, we were to begin treating each other with brotherly love and then loving our neighbors and our enemies as ourselves? How would the world react? We might be surprised to find that people would begin to notice Christ in us because suddenly we truly look different.


  1. Agree with you... We are the overwhelming minority who could change the world!


  2. Nice comments. Thanks for highlighting karlanee's post.

  3. Great post Sage. While I believe in pantheism I think Karlanee's comments bring out the best in all religions. Basically, we need to embrace the good, moral teachings of our religions while not using our religion as an exclusive club. I feel many believe in this message, but unfortunately (as John commented) we are the minority. All the more reason to spread such a wonderful message.

  4. One of the best books I have read is "When Bad Christians Happen to Good People" by Dave Burchett. It really brings the point home.

    Hope you had a great Easter.

  5. Amen. I've always had this feeling, while going through life, that many Christians have a hard time giving Christian charity. While I may not follow the teachings of one church, I believe in many of the same things - treat one another kindly, believe in others, and let your heart speak first. I think that if we followed the golden rule more, we wouldn't be such an angry nation.

  6. great post darling! lovely. sorry i've been busy too this week. i'm trying to catch up now, thank ypou for your lovely comment the other day too*
