Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Thursday Evening

There are some things that defy photography... By the way, this is a busy week as we're moving offices. I'll be around some, but how much is questionable. I just hope to maintain sanity.

I leave the creek and head across the lake. My bow points toward the crescent moon, just a day or maybe two after rebirth, hanging just above the pink and purple band around the horizon. My dog is asleep, tucked in between the forward thwarts, oblivious to the hum of insects, the croaking of the bullfrogs, and the drips of water off the blade of my paddle. I pause long enough to slap at a mosquito on the back of my neck, and then look up to watch an air show. Like the planes of a carrier clearing the air for the safety of those below, split-tail barn swallows and bats scoot and dive across the sky, feeding on insects in the evening air. The calm waters are pink, reflecting the sky. The mirrored image of the moon and Venus, which is just above the crescent, are also in the waters. In the distance, I hear the coughing start of an outboard; another fisherman has decided to call it a day. I draw the paddle deep into the water, pulling my canoe toward the distant launch. The moon continues to drop toward extinction as more stars appear. As I approach the shore, waves from the fisherman’s boat cutting across on the other side of the lake gently rocks my boat, sloshing the dog around. He wakes, wondering what’s up. I pull up, parallel to shore and he jumps out. I follow, dragging gear back to the truck and return for the boat. The moon is now gone from the sky. It’s time to head home.


  1. Nature's air show on a peaceful lake. That sounds so lovely and what a good companion you had with you...

  2. I've been watching lots of aerial shows put on by dragonflies recently as the swoop up the mosquitoes. I can't recall a year when I've seen so many of them at one time.

  3. Ditto Ed and dragonflies around my house.

    Good luck on the move; we're taking the eldest off to college this weekend, so I kind of know the feeling.


  4. Enjoyed this. It recalls end-of-the-day moments from my boyhood on the farm. There was the summer sky, and across it the racing silhouettes of barn swallows feasting on the air-borne insect smorgasbord...

  5. Nice! It was like I was there but without the mosquito bites and wearing the floaty wings. Have you ever tried the OFF! Clip On mosquito repellent on such trips?

  6. Lynn, I felt like the birds and bats were my protectors, eating up mosquitoes

    Ed, with all the rain ya'll had, you've probably got mosquitoes come out your ears

    Randall, Don't get too teary! I've told my daughter that she can go to college in Wyoming and I'll go with her... but she doesn't believe me!

    Ron, I love it when the light is low...

    Charles, I didn't want too, it was pitch dark as I loaded the canoe

    Murf, what fun is OFF?

  7. excellent prose sage...i was right there on the lake with you...and i did not want to leave...smiles.

  8. Night shows and sleeping dogs...I love the way this was written, my friend. A perfect read before bed. G'night to you and your "best friend." :)

  9. This winter I'm going to see if I can build a river currach big enough to sleep in and small enough to carry on the roof. And I need to figure a way to reinforce the keel as tarred canvas perfect on the Atlantic would not be the man for a snag filled riverbed.

  10. Good point. I like the mental image of you doing what I have come to call the 'Guernsey Lake dance' after driving through there on Sunday.

  11. Sheesh, I am completely relaxed! A lovely rendering of a peaceful evening.

  12. I like the word photo of what is within your mind...

  13. This wonderful post needs no photo. I can see a whole movie in my mind while i read it. It's relaxing, soothing.

    PS.- I hope the office removal goes ok... take it easy!

  14. My kind of evening... amazing to have such beauty all to yourself, and nice too that you can share it with us :)
