Thursday, April 14, 2016

L is for Lhasa

I’m in the middle of the A-Z challenge, listing bucket lists of places that I’ve not been, but would I’d like to visit in my life.

Portala Palace
Lima, La Paz, Lanzhou, there are many places I’ve yet to be that begins with an “L”, but after visiting Katmandu, the place I’d want to head to next is Lhasa, Tibet.  Although the earthquake in Nepal last year shut down the 945 km overland road that runs from Katmandu to Lhasa, it supposedly will open this year.  Lhasa is one of the highest cities on earth and it would take a few days just to get used to the altitude.  While there, I would want to experience the wonders of Tibetan Buddhism as well as spending days enjoying the scenery of the mountains and how they change with different lighting situations.  If I had been to Katmandu first, then traveled to Lhasa, I’d leave the city on the Qinghai-Tibet railroad, the highest in the world.  The train consist of cars with enriched oxygen to help the passengers avoid altitude sickness as the trains run along the mountains.   I’d want to stop at Golmud at the edge of the Tibet plateau before traveling on to my letter X entry (Can you guess where?)  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Potala has been on my wish list since I first read about it. But I'd also like to drift north west into the high plateau.

  3. Sounds like a good place to wander to!

  4. Beautiful! A friend does tours to Tibet, I might try one. But if you like temples, try Bhutan, if you can get in. You have to have permission to travel there, but the people are happy and friendly, and there are so many temples there and you can observe their ceremonies.

  5. Is X for Xanadu?
    I had planned to visit Bhutan this year, but this fell through at the last moment.
    [@samantha_rjsdr] from
    Whimsical Compass

  6. Being sealed inside metal tubes with enriched oxygen just sounds like a bad idea. I'm guessing it is not enough to be flammable!

    1. I wonder if the Tibetans smoke like the Chinese, that could make it dangerous!

  7. I'm very curious to see what X will bring us :-) So many places to travel to, so little time. But, I think making time for Lhasa would be well worth it.

    Cheers - Ellen |

  8. I'm wondering how it will be to hike at that altitude. It's wonderful that they're reopening that road after that disaster, and I'd love to got there. X? Well, I'll wait and see.

    1. I have climbed to the top of Whitney, which is only a little higher than Lhasa and it does slow you down (and at the time I was living at 6000 feet).

  9. The palace you have pictured looks beautiful. Tibet sounds fascinating. I'll never have the funds to do all the traveling that you do, so I'm glad to have the internet to travel vicariously.

    1. I'm not going to have the money or time to do all of these, but I don't want to get a point where there are not more things in my bucket list!

  10. I'm thinking a person would have to be very fit to navigate that city.

  11. I'm thinking a person would have to be very fit to navigate that city.

  12. Every time I see a picture of this Tibetian palace I thing of Shangra La.

  13. Sounds very interesting. Especially for someone who likes to travel.

  14. I didn't know railroads went that high and hadn't heard of oxygen in trains. Interesting post.

  15. I can totally imagine you loving a place like that, Sage :)

  16. Sounds like a truly adventurous place indeed! You are showing me places that are so new to me too. Thanks for that.

  17. It would wonderful to spend some time in that amazing place.
    Relating the letter X...
    I'm pretty sure that there aren't any countries starting with "X."
    I guess it would depend on which language you were speaking.

    If it's a city your talking about, I'm thinking it would have to be in either Mexico or China.

  18. This place almost seems imaginary; it would be fabulous to go there.

    Cherdo on the Flipside
    "Favorite Characters, Favorite Lines" on the A-to-Z Challenge 2016
