Thursday, August 02, 2012

Sailing and Chick-Fil-A

Launching the boat
Yesterday, according to my Facebook news feed, half of my friends were stuffing themselves with buttery chicken sandwiches and funky waffle fries at Chick-Fil-A, showing appreciation and support to the company and it's founder/CEO.  The other half of my friends were as boycotting Chick-Fil-A, and a few even protesting, because of some comments the founder of the company made about marriage.  Since there isn’t a Chick-Fil-A within a hundred or more miles, I was able to remain above the fray and went sailing.   It wasn’t the best wind day (probably because the best wind was being released in close proximity to certain chicken restaurants), but it there were some nice breezes and it’s always better to first test out the boat in a light wind.  I spent nearly eight hours on the water, sailing with others and by myself. When I was by myself and the wind died, I pulled out a book and read, napped, soaked up some son, and dropped anchor for a swim.  The sun was setting when I pulled the boat up to where it is moored for the next two weeks.   I am sure I’ll be out again soon, like maybe tomorrow evening. 

Getting underway

Sailing solo
Voyeuristically observing dragonflies
At one point, there were a dozen or so dragonflies fornicating on my boat.  Two of them did the deed at the same time on my hat, but I disturbed them getting the camera from around my neck so that we could get a picture.  Maybe I should refer to the boat as "the Love Boat?"

If we support those who say things we like and boycott those who say things we don’t like, it seems as if we’re just encouraging more divisions within our already divided society. Just saying…


  1. I'm with you on that supporting and boycotting thing - I'm worn out reading about it.

    The Love Boat - oh, please name it that!

    1. I would never name a boat the "Love Boat," for that was a stupid show. The name of the boat will be "St. Giles"

  2. As someone said, I defend another man's right to his opinion, even if it's the dumbest idea on the planet. My opinion of chick-fil-a is that it's the worst food for the money you can buy anywhere. Tried it once. Bleah....The sailing sounds like a real sanity saver.

    1. Agreed--my buttery comment hinted at what I think of Chick-Fil-A. When the chicken is fried, why do you need extra fat?

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful day.

    Dragonfly mating season. You couldn't get more natural than that.. and I'd be willing to bet that at least one paring among those dozens of dragonflies would be same-sex couplings.. statistically speaking.

    Live and let live

  4. I'm already tired of it all. I have no problem with same sex marriage, but I also have no problem with those who do have a problem with it. Geez!

    Hey! I'm glad to see you have the boat out. Because you didn't say anything to the contrary, I assume everything went well?

  5. I know they sure are getting a lot of press. But hey progress! Good for you, and what silly dragonflies! You brightened my day!

    1. It was wonderful having the dragonflies along! Glad your day was also brightened.

  6. That's one name you don't want to call the thing. Think about it. And I have no kids.

    Is that how they rig the jib in the US. You'd want to watch yourself changing tact in a wind. You don't want to get a lash of that block.

    1. I am curious to know who you would attach the blocking tackle for the jib... Behind the mast? We actually debated that and decided to try it in front of the mast.

      And, as I said earlier, I will not name it the "Love Boat." That was me being sarcastic.

    2. No, it is before the mast. When you tack it has to run across.
      My point is about the block/s you've got on the sail. If you release for a swift change the sail will luff, then whip, before it fills. With that lump of iron free in the wind it will knock chunks out of anything in range. Why wouldn't a shackle do the job. It would be a fifth of the weight. Still a lump of iron, but in the bruise country than the kill. Far better though if you rig with the knotted sheet by using the sail itself as the tie point by simply sending the P-sheet in then knotting ditto the S-sheet.
      You should keep hard things fixed down and relatively soft thing moving.
      But as I said there may be reasons why.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Okay, the "Boycott American women" guy is back around with his spam... but not anymore on my blog where your free speech must be within my taste or you find yourself removed.

  8. lol on the dragonfly porn happening on your boat...smiles....nice on the boat man...loving the for chikfil-a...i dunno man...we look for any way to blow off some steam it seems....if we knew half the beliefs of those we buy from i wonder what we would ever buy...

    1. Maybe we should share such beliefs, we buy too much as it is

  9. Your last line says enough for me, glad you enjoyed your day.

  10. I have the impression that many people see the Chick-fil-A thing as being about bullying. The religious kid getting picked on. The supporters are just doing what we are told to do when we see bullying: voice our support for the victim. Or in this case, buy some of his chicken. It's a wimpy response, but it's what our betters tell us we should do when we see bullying.

    1. You are probably right. Personally, I think it got out of hand when government officials started making statements about not allowing the restaurants in their jurisdiction (I wonder if that's why we don't have any in MI?)

  11. Sailing sounds so relaxing and thanks for the dragonfly porn. ;)

    I'm staying out of the whole chicken fight. It's getting old already and it all just started.

  12. I've never eaten at that place and we probably don't have one within a 150 miles of here. I've also never sailed or ridden on a sailboat so I'm zero and two on this post. But I still enjoyed it just the same.

    On second thought, I've seen dragonflies fornicating so maybe I'm one for three.

  13. Ugh. I am soooooooooooooo sick of the Chick-Fil-A debate. Seriously. Yesterday was Sunday, and they were closed - as they always are. Which means I'm usually craving Chick-Fil-A on Sunday.

    I'm soooooooooooooo sick of all of it that I didn't even crave Chick-Fil-A yesterday.

    Sailing though, that I could get behind.

  14. Boycott American women? Don't think I'll ever do that. Although a few have definitely boycotted me.
