Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More Photos

I'm waiting for my flight at the airport. I haven't had much time to write or visit blogs lately... But that doesn't mean I haven't been out on the water, so I'll post a couple pictures from my paddling excursions this weekend. By the way, you don't want to get to close to swans! They tend to be territorial. Enjoy.


  1. Two of my favorite things!

    Enjoy your trip and be safe.

  2. u have a real gift for photography - have a great trip

  3. At leat you didn't get slammed into a sycamore tree and flipped over.

    Looks really nice.

  4. Great photos! The waterlily is really pretty. And I did hear that swans can get really nasty. I occasionally see them on ponds nearby here.

  5. What a beautifully centered shot of the swans...nice greens and reflection on the water also.

    I'm glad you never leave home w/out a camera. :)

  6. Those are really pretty :)

    During my five hour layover at JFK Friday night, I was really wishing I hadn't decided to take my latest trip sans laptop...

  7. Glad you all are enjoying the photos--I've been in meetings since 6:30 this morning at 12 hours later am tired... I'll have to try to get some photos sometime :)

  8. Remember Ricky Nelson's song, Travelin' Man... that's you!

    Have fun!

  9. nice water lily - I haven't seen one in a long time.

  10. Swans are such graceful creatures...even still you can see it in them.

  11. Water lilies and swans...life's simple pleasures :)
