Friday, February 03, 2006

My ramblings

create your own visited states map

I got this over at Ed Abbey's. It looks almost like an election landside. I'm planning on being in Alabama this June for a conference--I've been within several miles of the AL border, but just haven't made it across. I'd even have a fair bit of the map colored if you count states I've lived in for at least a season or a semester: NC, VA, PA, NY, ID, NV, CA, UT, MI


  1. Geesh! Only one state left of the continental ones.

    When I first saw this on a very conservative blog and hadn't yet read the text, I saw California as red and thought the world was coming to an end!

  2. Ed, Actually, I don't think I've been in RI. Wonder if there is a way to change colors?

    Murf, I looked at the map and the only states I don't think I've spent the night in (either in a hotel, camping, or in a home) are MS, MN and OR (even though I've spent the night on a train going through OR and MN). How does that count as visiting?

  3. Ah yes, that little dot must be Rhode Island.

    Murf - I defined visiting as actually setting foot on terra firma within the state. Although in the case of New Jersey and Georgia, it was inside an airport terminal. All my other red states, I have spent at least a day roaming around.

  4. Well, it seems that you really should come and visit Wisconsin!

    Michele sent me!

  5. man, if i did a map, it would be a very very sad map. Here via micheles today

  6. Murf - I further defined visits into difference time lengths and posted some new maps.

  7. Do airport layovers count?

    Have driven to Colorado and back twice; once as a teenager on a camping tour

    And once because a friend wanted to show my then husband and I his favorite restaurant in the world
    Taco Bell--we didn't have them then

  8. Enjoy AL when you get there. There are some nice areas. . .

  9. Wow! You are a traveler. Enjoy Alabama...hard to believe that's the only place you haven't been.
