My long time readers will remember stories of me cooking for crowds. But I felt I needed to write this story so I can establish my credentials for my next book review. I'm reviewing Holy Smoke: The Big Book of North Carolina Barbecue! I borrowed the photo from the left. It's an example of the style of cooker I'm writing about.
I no longer remember how it all came together, but late in the summer of 1981, I helped cook my first pigs. That winter, I’d accepted Ron’s invitation to come to work with the Boy Scouts and the weekend after Labor Day, we’d planned a big event at our council camp. All adult leaders in the council were invited for what became our first “Program Planning Day.” I was in charge of the food. Somehow, it all came together. A hog farmer in my district had told me he’d provide a few pigs a year for the scouting program. I approached Ronnie, an assistant scoutmaster in my district, and asked him to help. I’d heard he was an experienced hand. Ronnie agreed, but he only had one cooker. He suggested we go talk to another guy and see if also help us cook. I no longer remember his name, although I still have the recipe for his sauce. He agreed to help us as long as I provided a bottle of Jack Daniels. With that, we were set. Because it was a large crowd, we had two large hogs that dressed out around 150 pounds. I brought a hundred and twenty pounds of charcoal and also got the ingredients for slaw and tea. That first year, we brought hushpuppies and potato salad from a local restaurant on White Lake.
Ron and couple other of my co-workers met me at the council camp late the day before the feast. Shortly afterwards, Ronnie and his friend arrived, both towing a cooker made out of old 270 gallon oil drums. The drums had been cut lengthwise and laid on their sides, and attached to the back of trailers. The top half of the drum opened, allowing access to the racks holding the meat. Pipes for the smoke had been attached to the drums as well as doors in the side in which more coals could be added and the draft controlled. One of the cookers even had a thermometer on the outside. We began by preparing the charcoal in a large metal bucket on the side. It was important to have the coals ready before they were placed under the meat, to keep from the meat from picking up the flavor of the lighter fluid. The pigs were placed on the racks, skin side up. We cooked them this way for a few hours, then turned them over and began to slather the hogs with the vinegar-based sauce. Every few hours, more coals were prepared and placed under the meat and more sauce mopped on the meat. A constant eye was kept on the temperature, with the goal to make sure it didn’t get too much above 220 degrees. Smoke billowed out of the cookers and we watched to make to make sure we had no fires which would burn the meat. While Ronnie and friend watched the cookers, the rest of us chopped cabbage and made cole slaw and gallons of tea and set the tables in the dining hall, all while taking nips from the bottle of Jack. At midnight, everything was ready ‘cept the pigs, so several of us went swimming in the lake. Afterwards, we crashed.
I was up at dawn, before the first rays of the sun struck the tops of the cypress along the shore of the lake, and walked behind the dining hall to check on the pigs. They were nearly done. Ronnie and his friend, who’d taken turns checking on the pigs during the night, were both awake. Coffee was perking and on the grill were several feet of linked sausage. First, I was going to sample a piece of the pig. It was delicious. After everyone was up, someone scrambled some eggs and we had breakfast. Then we began hauling parts of the pig (it was so tender it broke apart) into the kitchen where we began the process of chopping the meat. After chopping, we mixed the meat in large pans and added fresh sauce on top, covered them in foil and slide them into a warming over to wait for the hoards we were expecting at noon. Everyone loved it.
Over the next three years, Ronnie and I would cook a number of pigs for various scout functions. We prepared them for leader dinners, annual banquet and golfing tournament fundraisers. Whenever we had a lot of folks to feed, we’d chop the meat and serve it, but when there were not so many, we’d serve it pig pickin’ style, and folks could help themselves, pulling meat from their favorite parts of the hogs. Most of the pigs we cooked with charcoal, but a couple of times we cheated and used a gas grill that we borrowed from Ronnie’s work. Once, I helped another guy cook a pig using oak. You can taste the difference. I’ve not cooked a whole hog since 1984, when I left Eastern North Carolina, but I have on many occasions prepared barbecue, using shoulders and baby back ribs.
Can I assume that tea is sweet tea?
ReplyDeleteMy friend's family hosts a pig roast every 4th of July. I had never been to one until I went to theirs for the first time a few years back. I flip-flopped between laughing at it and crying from being really disturbed by the fact that it still looked pig-like and things such as the teeth were still in. Very bizarre. It was tasty but I've never looked at it up close after that.
ReplyDeleteWe used to do that quite often among the neighbors of our farm during barn raisings or other celebration. Now it is a lot art. I would like to try one done the Filipino way on a spit over an open fire sometime.
ReplyDeleteLet me know when the next pig roast is and I'll bring the hops.
ReplyDeleteOMG they certainly know how to BBQ here! Awesome! Even the slaw on the BBQ is growing on me.
ReplyDeleteI'm hungry just reading this... what a great lead in to spring and summer. That is something I want to learn... Time to make plans for BBQ this year!
ReplyDeleteI have never seen a real pig before, except in the zoo, let alone cooking the whole thing. No wait, when I was really young, I remembered seeing the dead ones (already dressed and split into half) hanging up in the wet market back home. Did you have to cut the stuff out from the pig chop the head etc?
ReplyDeleteYou took so many hours and dedication to cook the meat, I bet it sure taste delicious.
My mouth was watering at the mention of "hushpuppies."
ReplyDeleteBut please tell me you don't put the slaw on your barbecue. Someone would hurt you if you did that here.
TC, yes, but there was unsweeten too--I'd made the switch to the unsweeten variety in college (this is good, as much tea as I drink, if I drank it sweet, I'd weigh 300 pounds!)
ReplyDeleteMurf, don't look, just let the pork melt in your mouth and enjoy
Ed, the hogs were were doing were a bit large for a spit... but I'd like to try a Flipino pig!
Fantasy, you got a deal, just remember, I like porters and stouts and life's too short for cheap beer! :)
Kontan, you need to get yourself over east of I95 to taste some good stuff--that said, I use to plan my trips through Lexington at lunchtime
Beau, you mean this winter is going to end? A pig-pickin' would be something to look forward to
Mother Hen, you can take a bad piece of meat and cook it slowly and it'll come out pretty good! I'll have to do a post on my Korean hot pork barbecue
Bone, I can't help it that you folks in AL are uncivilized... Of course, if I'm making a barbecue sandwich, I'm putting slaw on it. I wouldn't be from Eastern NC if I did it any other way--now in Pittsburgh, there's a place that not only puts slaw on, but also french fries and it's pretty good too!
You're making me hungry and I just finished dinner!! Our neighborhood has a pig picking every year and the truck comes from Wilson, NC with all the fixings!!
ReplyDeleteThis post made my mouth water. We didn't have our annual pig roast this year at Christmastime since most of my family members were out of town.
ReplyDeleteMy father usually cooks the pig in a "Caja China" (pig roasting box).
Safe: Your well written Blog Post reminds me that cooking is, indeedm an art! :)
ReplyDeleteWet sauce, dry rub, thick sauce, tomato or, mustard, don't care just give me some hog the way you do it best!
ReplyDeleteKenju, as it comes from Wilson, that must be a pig prepared in the Eastern NC style!
ReplyDeleteScarlet, I'm going to have to google "Caja China" and see if I can find a picture of that Cuban Pig Roosting Box
Michael, it's not really hard, you just can't rush it. Take a nip, pass the bottle and tell another story while the pig slowly cooks
Walking Guy, my sauce is mostly vinegar, but I'm not opposed to adding a bit of tomato ketchup, but not a thick sauce nor a mustard one (i save the thick stuff for pork chops and chicken done in oven)
LOL, my husband drove to Lexington just for the BBQ. He was nice enough to bring some home. AWESOME!